•Routine and non-routine determination of threat for all of our activities, assess the risks and take the necessary measures and provide the necessary resources;
• Subcontractors including all employees are announced of health and education issues to become conscious of the responsibility for safety,
• In addition to basic safety training for our employees to work safely using special machinery equipment we provide regular short-job training,
• We sign contracts that follow OSH related legislation, administrative regulations and legal requirements and specifications,
• Our head office and all the workers at our sites continue believing in the principles of our work “human health and safety is above all”
• Our company takes responsibility for occupational health and safety, to determine and minimize the risk and to allocate resources; • Occupational health and safety risks are considered when new investments are made;
• We ensure that all employees comply with the rules of Occupational Health and Safety by providing resources, including the personal protective equipment
• We provide regular meetings at the Head Office and on sites to ensure continuous improvement,
• The company fullfils Occupational Health and Safety requirements specified in the OHSAS 18001:2007 Management System Standard to ensure continuity, to ensure that employees are announced to improve; ensure traceability within the company set up for this purpose by related systems,

Record: 1/27/2017
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